Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lent Descends

Praying for transformation, Lord. I want this season of Lent to truly resonate within me in such a way to move me deeply and ever closer to You, that the world pales in comparison and the fears and worries go with it.

You have done so much for me, so many blessings, and many incredible changes that I can't even believe. But it's nowhere near where I should be and I know that. Thank You for Your grace, your mercy, your love raining down on me always.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hello Autumnseer: I found your blog as I was attempting to find good ideas for a "prayer chair" to use with my tiny, bedroom "corner" prayer table/alter that I use daily. I am an intern spiritual director, a former midwife, and I write three blogs of my own; one entitled Wild Goose that is primary addressed to Women's Spirituality ( Christian ) but my "primary" blog is 'Close to the Root' where you will land if you "click" my moniker here! I too, am in midlife ( 49 just weeks ago ) and charting an unknown path with the Lord's guidance. I am deeply involved in my prayer life and I'm also very pleased to have found you, and your lovely blog. Thank you!