Sunday, September 30, 2007

My Secret Garden of Prayer

Dear Father,

Help me to be a strong parent for what I have to do this afternoon with my son. It is easy for me to be merciful and forgiving, but difficult to draw a hard line. Prepare my son's heart with understanding and not defiance. Keep me strong and may it not further pain me as I am already worn and fragile. You give me the strength I need always.

I pray also that Ben will find some good in Chris, dear Lord. Please unite us somehow, some way in terms of the three of us. I love them both deeply, but they are killing me with their lack of understanding of each other.

Thank you for autumn starting to smile upon us, even faintly here in Florida. Give us all hope, inspiration, strength and love.

Help me to remember I am a friend of the Father, a daughter of the King. Amen.


HeyJules said...

Terrific start, A. May this be a place that brings you and so many others great joy.

God bless this holy corner of cyberspace. May the Holy Spirit ride the waves of all that happens here!

In Jesus name...Amen.

Autumnseer said...

Thanks, Jules!