Monday, November 26, 2007

So Thankful

Father, I am so very thankful for the time with my family over Thanksgiving. Especially, earlier in the week, the time spent with my brother from California. Talking late into the wee hours I was clearly able, with passion, to present the Gospel to him in a way he had never really heard it before. You laid on my heart to pray with him, which would be the first time to do so. My first thought was "Awkward!" but as you continually pressed on my heart, you opened my brothers heart as well so that when I asked if he wanted to pray he did not hesitate and said yes. As I prayed for him and his company and his core employees by name, he cried and held my hand. What a powerful time we had with each other and I thank you. I wanted to cry myself when he told me how he did not feel alone any more because he knew you were with him, that he did not fear death because he knew he would be with you. What sweet relief. He attributes this new faith in you to me, but I know it is you and I am SO grateful for this beautiful change in his life. I am only humbled you can use me in this way and I pray for it to continue.

I am grateful to see my nephew T. who is in such a good space now. The last two times I saw him he had been going through such a rough time in his life and did not look well, withdrawn, depressed, out of work. Now he loves his job working at Federal Express and sees a future there, makes good money and is confident again. He is expressing himself creatively through music and plays the electric and acoustic guitars quite well. Thank you , Lord, for keeping him in the palm of your hand and protecting him through this time.

Lord, I pray for G. next door who has joined the Marines. So young, only 18, he will leave in January for boot camp. You know how he is a live wire, Lord, so keep him in your protection and help mature him as I ask you to do my own son.

Thank you for M. having the courage to tell her testimony in church on Sunday through her sermon. How powerfully you worked through her to so many. I was humbled to be a part of her core group during that awful time and be able to give her some comfort, just as she and K have done for me. How humbling it was to hear her as my tears fell along with many around me. How awesome to see you work! So many had their eyes opened to a whole new part of her as those even close to her knew nothing of what was happening and what she has gone through for many years. Those, so easily critical of her in her high staff position at church, had a reality check in a good way and I am so glad you worked through her to teach us all. May God bless her and those around her.

I pray for K's situation with the children they have tried to give a better life. Lord, L & K have done so much for children that are not even theirs. I pray that the kids will be able to stay in these new surroundings and good schools and the parents will not be selfish at this time and put their children first.

As we get closer to Christmas I pray that you keep my heart full and in the right place, focused on you. There are few dollars this year so I won't be worried about "things", but I don't want to miss them either, but to only enjoy this sacred season and feel even closer to you. Sometimes I feel lost without my dear mother at Christmas. I pray I will only feel grateful that I had her as my mother, that she was with me for 30 years, which is far more then so many others.

Thank you for all these things, my wonderful, caring husband and so much more.

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