Sunday, April 13, 2008



There are some interesting and hopeful decisions to be made on the horizon which I am very grateful for. Please help me to be discerning, and not go by my emotions and reactions which can get this woman into trouble. Give me the strength that can only come from you to finally get to the end of this stronghold (or whatever it is!) in my life. And as I negotiate the highways and byways of this world, please protect me and give me sound judgment and wisdom.

Thank you so much for helping me in leading this Bible study. Thus far, even with a rotten cold, the studies have gone well, the discussions bright and lively and interesting. Being a leader forces you to learn more and I love that because, as you know dear Father, I tend to be a slacker and a skimmer at times (it's this hard wired laid back attitude you gave me!). But there has been some great feedback thus far which can only lead me to believe you are in fact able to work through this weak vessel. Praise God for that!

Give Merry the strength (after speaking all weekend at another women's retreat) to give the message today before Pastor Kent gets back. I see you working in her life way beyond the church and I can only hope I can do the same at some point.

I hear there is one more cool front pushing into hot and humid Florida and Lord you know I am grateful for relief from being ever "moist" with any movement whatsoever.

God is good all the time. All the time God is good.



Anonymous said...

Laura...I read your comment over at Especially Heather and I totally agree...I'm celebrating also for Nicole and Heather's testimony to so many. I haven't thought what to say to her yet since I just met her this last month and spent hours reading her archives.

Anyway, your PRAYER Chair caught my attention right away. My thoughts drifted to the Throne of Our King..and then I read, "Lord,
...and it began to sound like my prayer...until

Thank you so now I have to check out the Bible study! That's how it always starts for me, and now I added you to my Favorites. (oh, maybe you didn't do it on line but in REAL life, you mean there's life outside of the cyber world...oh, no)

Well, I prayed with one accord
your that makes two and you know that "when two or more are gathered.." there is STRENGTH and that's what you get when "you are weak, He is strong" and your vessel has now been strengthened and anyone else, who pours out from themselves for Christ's sake...the problem is that He wants us to be spilt out, emptied, washed and cleaned so He can fill us up once more with His Spirit! And you will do the same
as you are able...May the weather be exactly what you need in this season of your life and may He keep you safe and "cool" as you soak in Him this day...may you be refreshed and strengthened: filled with the wisdom and discernment you need. May your decisions be His decisions for you...kinda like Jeremiah...with thoughts and plans... for you know the plans He has for you and you have learned the thoughts He deires you to dwell on. First FAITH, FACTS and FEELINGS follow after.

I have had such a problem my whole life with not living by my feelings. I guess that's why your prayer struck a note in my heart.

Heavenly Father, Protect her and give her Your Widom, direction and sound judgement! IJN...Amen Peggy

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

You have a very nice blog. Lovely. Thank you for visiting mine, as well.

Potent Praise said...

I like your blog. Good stuff.