Tuesday, November 18, 2008

God is Good

Thank you for ending the class on such a fun, spirited and engaging way last night. We learned, we laughed we, discussed - all as I had hoped it would be when I took this on.

All the women had a new understanding, their interest piqued, perhaps seeing You and these unnamed women in the Bible in a different way and also deciphering some difficult Scripture regarding women in general.

And despite how the culture treated women, they stood in faith and courage in unbelievable ways and from them we are inspired ourselves. We see that you oh Lord, have continued to value us, use us for Your glory.

Thank You!

1 comment:

Joy Pedrow said...

this is really awesome!
i am a strong believer in God.
He has worked magic in my life, and continues to do more everyday.

He helped inspire me to start a blog to help inspire others. It's called JOY Full Circle. And people can send in anything that inspires them, and I'll post it for the world to see.

I even have stories on there of how God inspired others.

You should check it out =]
here's the link

thanks - Joy