Thursday, January 3, 2008


Hi Lord. Me again. It's been another crazy 24 hours regarding this whole diet thing. Good grief, just take me through to the right place and let me get along with the rest of my life, will ya?!

I thought I had made a final decision until I had that other phone call with V. yesterday afternoon. Both A & V kind of using Nazi intimidation tactics. If I don't go to meetings 2 hours away I guess I'm not desperate enough. Um...yeah, I guess so. Maybe my problems, thank you Lord, are not as hard core as some others who need that. I don't know, but luckily you gave B, my beloved husband, to be objective and set me straight and tell me what the best thing is to do was which I immediately agreed with once he said it. Talking with J this morning confirmed it as well.

Still basically going to do what I set out to do with changing my physical health and eliminating things you did not make in this world (all those nasty refined things humans created) and growing and learning on the spiritual side of things. I know S will probably not understand when she finds out, but that is yet another thing I ask you for, Lord. I worry too much about what other people think of me to a ridiculous point, to my own detriment. So help me to set boundaries and not worry about other peoples lives or what they might think of me. It is my life you gave me and help me to only look to you and not others.

Oh, Father God, this cold, cold day in Florida is so very glorious. A strong north wind blowing and a deep blue sky and a sweater on and , good heavens, even socks and slippers on my feet. I love it. Love it! Thank you for this reward after the dog days of summer down here.

I pray to bring me back the peaceful girl I once was. Only you can give me that.


1 comment:

HeyJules said...

I'm trying not to laugh because you're happy that its cold and I'm begging for it to warm up!

Other than that, hang in there. And stop worrying about what other people think. Worry about what God thinks and care about what your husband thinks and let the rest go!